Tuesday, May 26, 2009

F*!" Cablecom

Well, it's quite some time ago since I last wrote here. However I would still like to say something: "NEVER MAKE A CONTRACT WITH CABLECOM!!!", at least if you live in Switzerland. We got a 15000 kbit/s connection (at least until end of that month) and right now I am downloading with 4500 kbit, even if the server got more resources. But this is not the only thing. The companies strategy does solely depend on the aquisation of new customers. They even give you money to buy electronic stuff if you join them. But take care, as soon as you are in it's gonna be hard to get out. May be Cablecom is the equivalent to Scientology (yes, F*!" them as well!). The only difference is that people are joining them because it seems to be cheap and not because they believe in it. However, once you are in you will see that they will not care about you anymore. The support is the most terrible thing I've ever experienced and as soon as you don't pay the bill 5 days too late they will turn off the service and charge you for reconnecting. I would be so happy to see that company going down, especially because of my input. But unfortunately I don't think this post will see that many eyes. So please, help me spread the news!!!