Tuesday, May 26, 2009
F*!" Cablecom
Well, it's quite some time ago since I last wrote here. However I would still like to say something: "NEVER MAKE A CONTRACT WITH CABLECOM!!!", at least if you live in Switzerland. We got a 15000 kbit/s connection (at least until end of that month) and right now I am downloading with 4500 kbit, even if the server got more resources. But this is not the only thing. The companies strategy does solely depend on the aquisation of new customers. They even give you money to buy electronic stuff if you join them. But take care, as soon as you are in it's gonna be hard to get out. May be Cablecom is the equivalent to Scientology (yes, F*!" them as well!). The only difference is that people are joining them because it seems to be cheap and not because they believe in it. However, once you are in you will see that they will not care about you anymore. The support is the most terrible thing I've ever experienced and as soon as you don't pay the bill 5 days too late they will turn off the service and charge you for reconnecting. I would be so happy to see that company going down, especially because of my input. But unfortunately I don't think this post will see that many eyes. So please, help me spread the news!!!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Sarah Palin
Die Frau regt mich schon auf, wenn ich sie nur sehe. Ich weiss nicht, ob es ein grundlegendes Phänomen ist, dass Frauen ein beschränktes Selbstvertrauen haben und daher einen Erfolg grundsätzlich mit hundertprozentigem Wiedergeben von auswendig gelerntem gleichsetzen oder ob dies einfach eine Eigenart Palins ist. Ihre Reden haben meines Erachtens keinerlei Charakter. Man könnte gerade so gut ein Plüschtier an den Rednerpult stellen und ein Tonband laufen lassen. Ich verstehe jedoch, dass Amerikaner von ihrer Art und Weise begeistert sein könnten. Noch vor einem Jahr schloss ich es nicht aus, dass ich womöglich mal in die Staaten auswandern könnte. Mittlerweile habe ich diese Möglichkeit aber ziemlich ausgeschlossen. Mit der Zeit lernt man den "American Way" zu verstehen. Amerikaner lieben es, wenn man ihnen etwas vorspielt, sie mögen Shows, perfekt inszeniert, der Informationsgehalt ist hingegen nebensächlich. Wenn man im Museum eine geleitete Tour mitmacht, so ist diese begleitet von stupiden Fragen: "was denkt ihr, warum war dies, warum war das, und sowieso???" Die Amis sind dann jeweils sofort vor Ort und Stelle und bringen irgend eine dämliche Antwort. Es ist eine Art Fernsehquiz. Wer zuerst die richtige Antwort bringt, der hat gewonnen. Ich fühle mich dann jeweils versucht ein Leckerli zu werfen. Und Sarah Palin scheint wirklich herrlich da rein zu passen. Sie steht vor die Kamera, nein, sie sucht die Kamera, und leiert ihren Text runter. Ja, man kann ihr definitiv nicht verübeln, dass sie dies nicht gut machen würde. Alles schön auswendig gelernt inklusive einigen bösen Seitenhieben. Ja, sie wird ihrem Image als Pit Bull definitiv gerecht. An der Leine irgendeines Schreibers und ziemlich gut dressiert. Ich hoffe nur, dass sie stubenrein ist...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Niagara Falls, Toronto, Wasaga Beach and Thousand Islands
We in frount of the American Falls at Night; no smile :-(
Me in front of the Canadian Falls
Big river in the background
The American Falls at Night
Maid of the Mist
Yeah, many things in one post. In the meantime we visited all these place and additionally Montréal and Québec. However, we didn't leave Québec yet. Everybody certainly knows the Niagara Falls. At least after one of the Superman movies. I didn't know that this movie had such a big impact on the Niagara Falls but it really seems to be the number one movie when it comes to the Niagara Falls. At least the movie posters found inside of the building are prove of this assumption. And it was definitely good to let myself inspire by the undestructible man. The Niagara Falls are definitely impressive. If it comes to the actual height of the falls they are by far not the tallest. However, i think the amount of water passing this place beats everything else. 4200 m3/s are moved in average. Well, I bet not even Superman could do something like that. It is not very surprising that the falls are pretty touristic. The popularity comes at a price. If one wants to see untouched waterfalls with a nice surrounding it's not the right place here. Still, it is definitely worth it. Especially if the water plunges into your face while you are standing on the "maid of the mist" boat. A must do at the Niagaras.
CN tower by Night
And by dawn
Just missed the building
Torontos Times Square
Museum with Church in Background
After one day at the Niagaras we already left again and made our way to Toronto. Well, Toronto is one more big city. Pretty much like a US city actually. Skyscrapers and busy people. Additionally we find the CN tower which is the tallest building in the world. we spent our day by walking around in the downtown area and completed our day with a nice meal in the CN tower. The more than 20 dollar ride to the top is included by going to the restaurant. Additionaly you can pass the crowds and therefore feel a bit like a V.I.P. the only annoying part is the stupid photo that they wanna take of you before entering the elevator. And all queuing people are starring at you in the meantime. Sadly this stupid photo taking seems to be a must at every major attraction. Seattle Tower, CN tower, Maid of the Mist, Behind the Falls, Empire State Building and so forth. In summary it's always the same. Standing in front of a background picture or a bluescreen that is filled up with a background picture later on. I really wonder who is buying this shit. Well, most probably Japanese I suppose ;-)
Wasaga Beach
After one day Toronto we went to the longest freshwater sandbeach, called Wasaga Beach. Here I have to add that we were incredibly lucky with the weather. Before we arrived in the east we had nice weather almost every day while we heard about storms and floods in Montréal area. However, when we arrived in the east the weather was beautiful while the forecast showed a lot of rain in Vancouver area. NICE! Same thing for Wasaga. Beautiful weather the whole day. Even enough for a nice sunburn. It's just so much nicer to swin in saltfree water and still have a beach. The only thing you cannot do here is wavesurfing.
Houses on small Isands
In the evening we left for the thousand island region. This is a island chain in the St. Lawrence river. Many of the islands are extremely small. The special thing about these small islands are the houses that sit on top of them. Often the whole island is covered by a house. Obviously that looks very funny. Sometimes it looks like the houses swim on the water. On one larger island there is even a castle. It has been built by the owner of the New York Waldorf Astoria. However, because of some sad love story he didn't finish some parts of it. Or at least he never used it for himself. In interest of the owners I hope that storms and floods are more seldom in the Thousand Island region than in Montréal.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Banff, Burning Hair and River Rafting

After a lot of time in the cities we finally made our way to the real Canada, the untouched nature. Well, Banff is not really untouched but definitely amazing. And also a big money cow. Just being in the national park costs 20 dollars a day. We stayed four days in the park, therefore 80 dollars. However, all other things in Banff and the parks are overpriced as well. But of course it is well worth it. The park is so big, even with the tremendous amount of tourists you will still find places of peace and silence. In the middle of the beautiful nature. Glaciers, mountains and extremely blue lakes are the masterpieces of the region. From time to time it is also possible to spot some deer or other wildlife. I will post some pictures tomorrow. They are definitely worth posting.
Besides exploring the nature I also enjoyed the amenities of my hostel. There was a nice barbecue in the garden. So I bought some very nice tenderloin steak and wanted to grill it. Sadly I put myself on fire during the process. I turned on the gas and threw a match into the thing. The result was a huge flame coming into my direction; and the smell of burnt hair. Yes, my hair were burning, eyebrows and eyelashes as well. At least i have enough hair and I can live with some destroyed ones.
The second last day in Canada we spent with River Rafting on the Kicking Horse River. I don't have to mention that the scenery is stunning. And the rafting was definitely much more fun than in Peru two years ago. Some strong class IV rapids kept us entertained. At the end we even took a little swim through some rapids. Was very enjoyable. Tomorrow we will take the plane to Buffalo NY and have a look at the popular Niagara Falls. Everyone of course knows them from Superman ;-)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
seattle, VANCOUVER, victoria
It's already some days ago since I wrote the last time. In the meantime we were in Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria. However, just one day in Seattle and Victoria and all other days in Vancouver. Seattle was nice, but not really what I expected it to be. A little bit quiet. Vancouver, however, was great. may be especially because of the great weather. i've been told that it is one of the most rainy cities. but there are many nice beaches, mounains in the background, nice people, definitely a place to live. Not surprisingly it ranks on the fourth place in the mercer study "best cities to live in". the only bad thing is the huge amount of homeless and drug addicted people. the ghetto in vancouver is by far the largest in canada I've been told. but otherwise it's great, skiing in the afternoon and a swim in the sea in the evening. what more do you want? victoria we just visited for one day. we had to go by ferry. was a very nice ride. many small islands. victoria by itself is not that great. very small, not much to see. today we will head for banff national park. heard many good things about this place. must be stunning. next time i will post some photos.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
San Diego, Las Vegas and a lot of Driving

Using the amenities ;-)

TV in the bathroom mirror

Vegas at day- and nighttime

Yesterday we arrived in Seattle. Until now the trip was pretty nice. I didn't take that many pictures yet since I've already been in San Diego and Las Vegas. However, in San Diego we additionally were in Sea World. I didn't like it that much. Actually, I think the purpose of this place originally was educational. Like all the other aquariums I've been so far. However, Sea World is more like a Disney Land than an aquarium. There are Rollercoasters and even a 4D theater that has absolutely nothing to do with sea animals. It's about the sesame street and absolutely childish. After that I also understood why the entrance is a whooping 61 dollars. Also very nice was the beginning of the Shamu show when american soldiers were praised. Come on, please spare me!!! In the evening we went out with some people from the Hostel. Was pretty funny. Despite jet lag I was able to enjoy the night in San Diego.
Next day we had to leave early and headed to Las Vegas, to the city where all illusions come true. The stay in Vegas was not cheap at all and set me back pretty badly. So now I have to save some money. However, for a few days we could live the life. We stayed in a junior suite in the Trump international and MGM Signature. Price per night, 100 dollars per person. For this money you get not even a 3 star in Zürich. And the Hotels were just crazy. Jacuzy, small flatscreen in the mirror of the bathroom, kitchenette, a phantastic view and much more. Very enjoyable. Furthermore we visited the show "Phantom", a Vegas copy of Phantom of the Opera and of course went gambling. However, I just gambled during one hour or so, then I left. With 100 dollars more. Not bad, since I just played with very little money.
Actually it was planned to leave Vegas after one night, at the end we stayed three. That's why we had to make our way up to Seattle in a damn rush. We started at about 3pm, stopped at a motel 2am, started again at about 10am and arrived in Seattle at 11pm. So one whole day just driving, about the same distance as driving from Lisabon to Köln. But the scenery was really amazing. Sadly we didn't have time to make stops for sightseeing. Anyway, today we will have a look around Seattle and already leave to Vancouver in the evening. However, we'll come back to Seattle for one, two days before we have to catch our flight to Buffalo, NY.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
After a very very long journey I at least arrived in Atlanta and I am recently waiting for my connection flight to San Diego while watching news about strong earthquakes in... San Diego. At least the final destination is reaching nearer and nearer. looking forward to finally have a beer.
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